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Purchase UNIVR POINT LB #9027
  • UNIVR POINT LB #9027

    SKU: 230P
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  • $26.00

    Georgetown Location: 3 in Stock
    League City Location: 9 in Stock
    If you are picking up your order, please verify the quantity needed is available at the pick up location by checking online or calling us at PH#512-930-4000

Little Beaver’s standard points and blades are ideal for drilling in
clay and dirt. They bolt on and can be reversed and reused.

From soil sampling to fence posts,
Little Beaver augers meet the
demands of virtually any digging
challenge in nearly any soil type.
With standard, carbide and heavy-
duty points and blades designed for
specific soil conditions, you can dig
faster and more efficiently no matter
what you’re up against. Augers are
available in 1.5- to 16-inch diameters
and in lengths from 36 to 60 inches,
and you can quickly attach them
to Little Beaver’s mechanical and
hydraulic earth drills with our
hassle-free, spring-loaded, snap-on
connection. For applications that
require digging deeper than
4 feet, we also offer 18- and 36-inch

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